“Thank you, Ascent Consulting! We have a new Board for Prevention Now and Ascent provided expert team development, leadership development and Working Genius consulting during a team retreat. 

Ascent’s work with us helped create trust among the team quickly, allowed us to develop a common language and to instantly see the strengths of each team member so that we can more effectively operate. One Board member who’s had a career in Fortune 500 companies, said this was one of the most helpful leadership consulting sessions he’s ever had. 

Thank you Ascent Consulting Group – we can’t wait to partner with you again!”

Kristen H.

“Ascent Consulting Group helped build my faculty and staff into a healthy, high trust team focused on a shared mission and core values.  They have led us through small and large group workshops, retreats, and executive coaching that are transformational.  I am immensely grateful for their support, advisement, and wisdom. 

On a personal level, Debbie and Alison are two extraordinarily kind and humble women that are a lot of fun to work with.”

Suzanne D.

“Ascent Consulting Group has grown and strengthened our organization tremendously. Their insight, counsel, and unique ability to help us clear our own mental and organizational hurdles has been a godsend. Our leaders and teams of all sizes and areas of expertise have long benefited from consultation with Ascent.”  

Brandon C.